Your startup needs design leadership

As a designer who’s spent the last decade working in technology, I’ve had the opportunity to observe first hand how early-stage startups hire, structure, and scale their teams. While business in general has realized the measurable impact of good design, I see many early-stage startups overlook a critical piece of the puzzle: hiring design leadership. […]

Serving on a board will make you a better leader

Serving on a board of directors is a fantastic way to contribute to a company or cause. The skills that you develop will expand your abilities in ways you never imagined. As a leader of a national mission-driven organization’s Board of Directors, I can tell you that serving on a board is one of the

Words Mastered

This is the third post in a series showcasing the process and ideation behind a system of over 100 achievement badges created for What is is an online, gamified platform for learning words. It teaches vocabulary in an adaptive fashion-our algorithms suss out the words that each individual already knows, and serve

Mastering an “X” Word

This is the second post in a series showcasing the process and ideation behind a system of over 100 achievement badges created for What is is an adaptive, online learning system that teaches students new words (thereby improving their vocabulary, literacy, and test scores). Algorithms assess a student’s ability as they play

Redesigning Vocabulary’s Achievements

This is the first post in a series showcasing the process and ideation behind a system of over 100 achievement badges created for One of my first projects as design director at was to reimagine and dramatically expand our system of achievement badges—these are rewards that students earn as they play different activities

Rare Disease Week 2018

On February 25th, seven Narcolepsy Network advocates and board members joined 750 other advocates in Washington, D.C. to participate in Rare Disease Week. The events, organized by the Everylife Foundation, are an opportunity for patients, family, and rare disease advocates to connect with each other and meet with members of Congress. What is a rare

Celebrate your team’s every success

As a manager, one of your most important jobs is to keep your team motivated. Luckily for you, one of the most effective ways to do this also happens to be one of the most fun. The trick is to celebrate your team’s every success, no matter how small. That sounds easy! In truth, it

There’s no such thing as normal

Google defines normal as “conforming to a standard: usual, typical, or expected.” As a young child, the experiences you have with your family, friends, and teachers start to shape your own unique worldview. The cartoons you watch on Saturday morning while your parents (theoretically) sleep in, the movies you see, and the music you listen

Be a servant leader

Leadership isn’t about telling people what to do. If you watch a lot of war movies, you might think it is. However, the skills needed to direct troops in the middle of a firefight are a tad different from the everyday work most of us do. You don’t need to yell “Incoming!” into your team’s

Get your little New Yorker into Pre-K

Applying to New York City’s Universal Pre-K program is an overwhelming, frustrating process. It’s certain to confuse even the most hardened, informed New Yorkers. As a parent who suffered through this process last year, I’m making myself available to help lessen the pain for you. My program consists of a 45 minute coaching session (in-person,

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